The Missouri weather is erratic as usually suspected. they say, "if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes" whoever they are, they are right.
since i have been back i have gotten the opportunity to become part of something really really great. the Citizen Jane Film Festival! this is a festival for the community and filmmakers from around the country. some of the films include the best of features, documentaries, animation, experimental and short films. all showcasing women behind and in front of the camera. i am very excited about helping make this festival come to life!!!...www.myspace.com/citizenjanefilmfestival...check it out!!!
also, i have written a new song called "in blankets". make sure to check out the old music myspace.www.myspace.com/unrequitedfrustration.
i feel bad that this sounds like a big Emily advertisement...but on to the blogginess...Yay!
music i love a whole lot right now.
Jason Mraz, Matisyahu, Trevor Hall, Kate Walsh.
books i am reading.
required for school but really great is the book "flappers and philosophers" by F. Scott Fitzjerald

Vicky, Christina, Barcelona
American Teen
personal artistic growth.
really into photography and nature right now.
very glad to have the bicycle back for the school year to go on adventures.
want to do this week.
hit up vintage shops and play at an open mic night. develop more characters for the radio drama!
miss friends and still love Arizona tea. done with Starbucks! cant wait for the office season 5!
That is all for now. peace and love for everyone.